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Jeffrey Diehl
Managing Partner & Head of Investments

Jeff Diehl, Managing Partner & Head of Investments, recently joined John Ferguson, Head of the Globalization, Trade and Finance practice at The Economist Intelligence Unit to discuss key insights from The EIU’s global study and trends and opportunities for private market investors. The conversation explored sectors and geographies most in favor with institutional investors, as well as the risks to keep in mind as the economy shifts to a post-pandemic world. Watch to learn where private market investors can expect to find differentiated returns in 2021 and beyond.

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Learn about key insights into geopolitical risk, ESG trends, and the outlook for select private market investing strategies, sectors, and geographies.


2:13: Jeff Diehl’s opening remarks
5:22: Global study key findings
13:48: Geopolitical risks
18:58: Private markets outlook: sectors going through change, dislocation, and growth
27:30: Opportunities by geography
31:28: Multiple growth strategies can mitigate risk
37:42: ESG data is critical
40:44: Main market risks
45:45: Private markets valuations
47:53: Geopolitical tensions
51:20: Too much capital raised?
52:55: Why sector expertise is so important
56:32: Green investment outlook